Monday, January 31, 2011


I picked this article because I find it interesting how some are saving to little for retirement while others are saving too much. This article talks about how some people are saving so much money during their working years that they are depriving themselves of pleasures in life at the moment. Also it talks about how couples without children have to save more than couples that did because they want to maintain the lifestyle they had before they retired.

10 Economic Terms:

Savings: to save money for your future
Significant Sums: to have large moneys of money
income: the money being made by a person for working a job
income tax: the portion of a person's income that is payed to the government in the form of taxes
consumption: the things we spend our money on for our enjoyment
mortgage payments: the payments made to a bank for paying back the money borrowed to buy a house
retirement: the period in a person's life when they do not work
savers: people who enjoy saving their money
target: a set goal someone wants to make
pension: benefits that an employee receives